I've been watching episodes of the BBC's "Wives and Daughters" whilst I work. The spectacular hair-dos inspired this drawing... I think there will be more giant hair-do drawings on the way.
I've been in the thick of getting my portfolio ready for the SCBWI summer conference... these sketchbook doodles have been providing a nice break from the all the painting and inking and photoshopping. Phew! I'll post some works in progress soon and hopefully will have my website revamped in the next few weeks. And now... back to the grind...
Hi Brooke! I just finished that series not too long ago and really liked it! You inspire me to go back and watch again and do some sketches! My husband and I do that once in awhile with Twilight Zone episodes because of the neat costuming. These hair drawings are spectacular and so much fun. I just can't look enough at your line quality, so wonderful!